Muzzling the Mouth


Bitter spite


Martin Carter wrote that “the mouth is muzzled by the hand that feeds it”. He knew of what he wrote. Burnham had hired him as Information Minister and certainly kept him on a tight leash. He finally quit in disgust. The opposition is obviously following faithfully in Burnham’s footsteps now that they have gotten control of the public purse. They slashed Gy$ 20 billion from the budget – but what was most vindictive and spiteful were the chops to the budget of the OP to the tune of Gy$ 225 million.

These chops were definitely wielded to cripple the effectiveness of the president. The opposition, especially the AFC, have made much noise about the ‘super salaries’ of some contract workers in the OP. We would like to challenge Ramjattan to declare his true income. We’ll wager that Ramjattan’s salary far outstrips the highest super salary in OP. And don’t bring up the old dodge about Ramjattan being a ‘lawyer’. If you’ve ever seen him beg for the court’s mercy you’ll know his chief qualification is to put a quaver in his voice. And in any case since when a person should get more money for advising a fowl thief how to plead ‘guilty’, than for advising the president how to run the country? Ramjattan and Nagamootoo have personal vendettas going.

Many of the people they are going after are old comrades who they believe should have betrayed their party like they did. For the two wankers it’s payback time. And this hatred and spite is centred on the president. They both feel that they should be president instead of Ramotar.

The administration is right on the ball to take them to the courts. Ramjattan says that since they have the power in Parliament they can do what they want. Really? So nobody can say when Parliament is exceeding the powers granted to it by the Constitution? So if the opposition – controlled Parliament wants to cripple the executive, it can? Is this what the separation of powers means? Sounds more like ‘supremacy of Parliament’ over the Constitution.

The courts will have to rise to the occasion to fulfil its role to be the arbiter of the Constitution. This is what Judicial Review is all about.



Dependent minds


Looking at the antics of the Opposition, it’s pathetic that they have no idea what independence is all about. They take the least opportunity to run and complain to the old colonial powers that put us in the fix in the first place. Do these wankers really believe that these countries have our interest ahead of theirs??? If they have a problem with Cheddi, at least remember what Burnham said about ‘neo-colonialism’. We hope that yesterday (Saturday), Independence Day, these guys reflected on how they can change their modus operandi. Ever since they realised they had a share of power, the opposition – especially the AFC – have exposed their conception of politics. It’s all about fostering divisions and resentment between groups – hoping that they’ll pick up some votes. The devil takes Guyana.

Who badmouthed APNU in Linden, forcing them to renege on their reasonable agreement with the government? That’s right! AFC! Who egged on the sugar workers to strike and jeopardise the sugar target? Take a bow, AFC! Who wants to cripple the Amerindian focus of the LCDS and leave them in a permanent state of underdevelopment? Bingo! AFC! We heard some encouraging words out of APNU’s camp of trying to find a common ground with the government in Parliament.

No need to say who said ‘NO way!!” AFC Wankers!!



Independent mind


We use this opportunity to advise the opposition and all politicians what an independent mind looks like. Let them meditate on the life and work of Phillip Moore. RIP.

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